apostle of Love
***** The following statements are "facts of life:" ***** *Now is the perfect time to get to know God better. *The nature of God is Love. *The expression of love is sharing, and that is why each of us was created. *We are here to be challenged, and are free to make choices. *The choices we make will determine our eternity. *God, our Father, has a loving family plan and desire that includes each of us. *Our journey is to develop our spiritual nature, while striving to control our physical nature. *To be more like God, we need to be more loving and sharing to all. *A pure loving person cares and prays for transgressors who are seriously sorry for their sins. *A pure loving person cares and prays for transgressors who are not sorry for their sins. *A pure loving person wants all souls to be purified and share in God's Kingdom. *God has always had chosen spokesmen for Him on earth, continuing with His popes. *His popes, beginning with St. Peter, are infallible when it comes to faith and morals. *The Church Jesus continued on earth with His apostles, became known as the Catholic Church. *The Mass created by Jesus, led by His ordained priests, are part of His Way for us. *The Bible is part of our recorded history, a loving gift and guide from God to his children. *The writings of the Bible were inspired through the Holy Spirit, and chosen by His Church. *Only the church He ordained has the authority to interpret The Bible in full proper context. *It is not a coincidence that the world's calendar is relative to the time of Jesus birth. *One need not find Catholicism to get into Heaven, but it's God's most enlightened path.
page two of three Facts of Life (continued) *Catholics are called to help lead others to the truth, first by living as Jesus teaches us to live. *We are all called to be saintly, and it continually begins with one step in the right direction. *The devil exists, as do other evil ones who fell from grace with him. *The evil ones continually try to attract, seduce, condition, and influence us away from God. *Our minds under the control of evil are filled with excuses why not to improve ourselves today. *Be wary, for by provoking one's ego, the devil entices people to create their own religion. *Under the control of evil, we become uncaring humans, continually seeking another pleasure. *To varying degrees, we are responsible for all souls we influence away from God. *We are always called to have an honest examination of conscience, before God. *An act of contrition, being truly sorry for our sins, opens pure communication with Jesus. *Our good acts should not have hidden selfish motives, or only be when convenient. *A great way to becoming naturally good, is to learn about Jesus and His loving nature. *The more we learn about the truth of Jesus and His Way, the more we want to be good. *Now is the best time to take a powerful step toward God, for tomorrow is never. *Just one step in the right direction puts you on the right path. *Fear not that you may trip often, jump up quickly as you can each time, and step right again. *It took time to develop our flawed identity. It will take time to develop a more saintly lifestyle. *We are the product of our past, a good time now to think how we can move closer to Jesus. *Jesus absolutely has his arms opened waiting for us to come to Him. Don't miss this opportunity. *Let natural and manmade catastrophes, both near and far, be God's wake up call to you. *Be praying from your heart for truth, become humble like the child in you. Trust Jesus. *To become naturally humble, think about the gift of life of your soul, and its potentials.
page three of three Facts of Life (continued) *At inception, God loves each soul, and continues to love you! *Each of us is unique, and is at the center of the universe. Awesome! *Some challenges we get are gifts of opportunity from God, to help us grow spiritually. *No one can judge another, as to whether they will eventually go to Heaven or to hell. *God is forgiving, but only when one is truly sorry for having sinned against Him. *When we sin against anyone, we sin against God. *No one since the beginning of time has ever got away with any transgression. *If all people became loving sharing souls on earth, wow, thing about it? *We can each participate in helping to improve our community and world today. *If we do not try to make good changes, then we are partly responsible for existing conditions. *First we need to start by trying to improve ourselves. Every small step in the right direction is good. *We must not wait for Jesus to come and make improvements, He desires that we do it. *Although we are free to make choices, we are not justified to choose sin. *In our daily routine, how much time do we include Jesus? How much time in selfish activities? *Pure happiness and fulfillment comes from a loving sharing relationship with God. *Do not let anyone sway you away from Catholicism. Jesus wants it to be a home with you. *Do not let all the dogma and structure of the Catholic religion overwhelm you, it's really quite simple. *Well intentioned holy men may have added too much, which keeps too many people from joining. *evil ones continually attack, and also promote many myths about Catholicism, try not to be fooled. *Jesus ordained his immaculate mother Mary, to be your Blessed Mother too! She is here for you. *All truths are available for you to be enlightened, and to help guide you home. *God is a Trinity of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. A mystery beyond our understanding, yet factual. *Today may be the most important day of your life. Why not make it a good one!
Although all Catholics, as ministers of the faith, are encouraged to spread the good news about Jesus and His way for us here on earth, the name of this particular site was chosen by Him, in August 2015. Each of us, and all of us, are called to be apostles of love, first by Jesus, and also by our Blessed Mother, the Blessed Virgin Mary. She has been especially appearing and talking to us all since June 25, 1981, from Medjugorje. Samples of her recent messages: Our Blessed Mother's message November 2, 2015 to us, through Mirjana. "Dear children, anew I desire to speak to you about love. I have gathered you around me in the name of my Son according to His will. I desire that your faith be firm, flowing forth from love. Because, those of my children who understand the love of my Son and follow it, live in love and hope. They have come to know the love of God. Therefore, my children, pray, pray so as to be able to love all the more and to do works of love. Because, faith alone without love and works of love is not what I am asking of you my children, this is an illusion of faith. It is a boasting of self. My Son seeks faith and works, love and goodness. I am praying, and I am also asking you to pray, and to live love; because I desire that my Son, when He looks at the hearts of all of my children, can see love and goodness in them and not hatred and indifference. My children, apostles of my love, do not lose hope, do not lose strength. You can do this. I am encouraging and blessing you. Because all that is of this world, which many of my children, unfortunately, put in the first place, will disappear; and only love and works of love will remain and open the door of the Kingdom of Heaven. I will wait for you at this door. At this door, I desire to welcome and embrace all of my children. Thank you!" Our Blessed Mother's message October 25, 2015 to us, through Marija "Dear children! Also today, my prayer is for all of you, especially for all those who have become hard of the heart to my call. You are living in the days of grace and are not conscious of the gifts which God is giving you through my presence. Little children, decide also today for holiness and take the example of the saints of this time and you will see that holiness is a reality for all of you. Rejoice in the love, little children, that in the eyes of God you are unrepeatable and irreplaceable, because you are God's joy in this world. Witness peace, prayer and love. Thank you for having responded to my call.
This site will continually be developed with additional content added periodically, as well as links to great Catholic sites.